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Denounce China’s “Blood Relatives Myth” in Trying to Annex Taiwan


Issued by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT)

Indigenous Ministry Committee of the General Assembly

in response to the so called "Message to Compatriots in Taiwan"

by the President of China, Mr. Xi Jinping (習近平) (2 January 2019)

Denounce China’s “Blood Relatives Myth” in Trying to Annex Taiwan

President Xi Jinping said, “both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese” and we should be “dignified and upright Chinese people”. If this makes any sense, then British Prime Minister Theresa May can also openly announce that New Zealanders, Australians, and American are all English, and the four regions should unite to be “dignified and upright English men”. But the Maori people of New Zealand, the indigenous of Australia, and the Native Indian of America are definitely not related in blood to the Anglo-Saxon (English). If we forcefully claim them to be blood relatives, we would be making fools of ourselves.

Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples have lived in Taiwan for more than 16 thousand years. Each tribe has been seeking to be an independent and dignified “real human”. Each tribal name is imprinted in the life of each person. Sediq, Bunun, Tayal, Tao, and Pangcah, for example, are all tribal names of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples and share a common meaning—“human being”. President Xi Jinping has claimed to the Taiwanese people that “the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are brothers of the same blood”. This is grossly neglecting facts and an arrogant idea. It must be cast aside by all Taiwanese peoples, global indigenous peoples and all ethnicities.

In the process of historical development, Taiwanese people, comprised of migrants and indigenous tribes, have been united as a community of shared destiny. The constitution is clear in stating that Taiwan is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural nation. We hope that our country can be treated as a really independent subject. This is the deepest wish of the Taiwanese people. The respect of each person, each tribe and the will to be independent is the universal right that granted by the self-determination of the inhabitants.

China’s unification strategy is essentially self-centered and bullying the world, without respect for different peoples and tribal rights. It is purchased with blood and violence. If we just take a look at Tibet, east Turkistan, and modern Hong Kong, we will certainly know how dangerous it is to be “one family” based on such ideology. As the country is facing internal instability and outside threats, the PCT supports President Tsai to stabilize the political situation, and safeguard Taiwan’s security. We are willing to stand in solidarity with all the Taiwanese People, to seek a way of life with dignity.

We hope all Taiwan citizens of Chinese origins will embrace and claim with open hearts the Mountains and Seas of their Mother—Taiwan. And know her beautiful face and feel her incomparable life characteristics of patience, acceptance, love, mercy and perseverance. By identifying and connecting our life with our Motherland Taiwan, we believe that you will feel more secure and more dignified living in this beautiful island, our country—Taiwan.

PCT Indigenous Ministry Committee

Chairperson: Utux Lbak

11 January 2019, Taiwan

(Note: In the event of any discrepancies the original text in Mandarin Chinese governs)




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