世界傳道會(Council for World Mission, CWM)是由來自全球六個地區,32個會員教會所組成的普世宣教組織。CWM在2023年6月舉行年度會員大會,並刻意決議於台灣彰化召開,以具體行動支持台灣基督長老教會(Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, PCT)及整體台灣社會。 大會主題為「打破分歧的牆」(Break Down the Walls of Division)。CWM積極聆聽台灣人民的聲音,深知帝國強權的競爭不斷加劇地緣政治變化,致使台灣在強權夾縫中求生存,並隨時遭受戰爭威嚇。帝國政策不僅嚴重分裂台灣社會,也影響整個亞太地區。俄烏戰爭牽動下,帝國採取比以往更激烈的行動,致使亞太情勢益顯嚴峻。在此情況下,台灣經歷漸增的軍事演習(挑釁模擬侵台),人民深感越來越容易遭受攻擊。 COVID-19大流行之際,台灣是全球最受孤立的國家之一,主因是被排除在世界衛生組織(WHO)及國際衛生條例(IHR)之外。台灣不被允許參與全球應對大流行病的行動,無法取得資訊與資源、無法分享各國資料與最好的防疫措施,更無法參與國際討論與決策。 CWM透過台灣普世論壇(Taiwan Ecumenical Forum, TEF)與PCT及其他普世夥伴緊密合作,倡議台灣人民的「自決權」,包括宗教、政治和經濟自由,並追求地區和平。 CWM肯定台灣追求公義、和平及和解的生存權利,認知台灣人民在抵抗壓迫結構時的堅韌,這些壓迫威脅要毀滅台灣社會和平,侷限人民生命繁榮興旺的機會。CWM也讚揚台灣即便面對自己的挑戰,依然慷慨貢獻幫助其他國家,以利他國福祉,包括援助烏克蘭、於COVID期間的財政資助,以及聲援香港。 CWM呼籲其會員教會大家庭內外加強全球合作,支援台灣爭取和平、民主、人權及法治。CWM敦促全球跨國組織與普世教會機構傾聽台灣人民的聲音,一同出聲反對台灣所遭受的軍事敵對行動,以及台灣持續被孤立的不公義現象。 基督的智慧提醒我們,我們連結彼此,「一個肢體受苦,所有的肢體就一同受苦;一個肢體得榮耀,所有的肢體就一同快樂。」(林前12章26節);CWM聲援台灣及其人民,嚴正申明「你們不被遺忘,你們不再孤單。」 CWM Statement on Taiwan “Not Forgotten and Not Alone” The Council for World Mission (CWM), comprising 32 member churches from six global regions, made a conscious decision to hold its June 2023 Annual Members’ Meeting in Changhua, Taiwan, as an act of support and solidarity with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), and the wider Taiwanese society. Meeting under the theme “Break Down the Walls of Division”, CWM has actively listened to the voices of the Taiwanese people. Caught in the escalating geopolitics between competing Empires, Taiwan is living under the constant threat of war. Empire-policies have created deep divisions not only within Taiwanese society, but also in the entire Asia-Pacific region. The situation has been intensified in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, with Empires taking more aggressive actions than in the recent past. Taiwan has experienced increased military exercises (simulations and provocations), and the Taiwanese people feel increasingly vulnerable. Taiwan has been one of the most isolated nations in the world during the Covid-19 Pandemic, primarily because of its exclusion from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Health Regulations (IHR). Taiwan was not allowed to participate in the global response to the pandemic, including accessing information and resources, sharing data and best practices, and participating in international discussions and decision-making. CWM has been working closely with the PCT and other ecumenical partners through the Taiwan Ecumenical Forum (TEF), advocating for the rights of the Taiwanese people to “self-determination”, including religious, political, and economic freedom, and in pursuing peace in the region. CWM affirms Taiwan’s right to rise to life through the pursuit of justice, peace, and reconciliation. It acknowledges the resilience of the people of Taiwan in resisting the oppressive structures which threaten to destroy peace in their communities and limit their opportunity to flourish. CWM commends Taiwan’s generosity in contributing to the welfare and wellbeing of other nations, even in the face of its own challenges—including assistance for Ukraine, financial support during Covid, and standing in solidarity with Hong Kong. CWM calls for greater global cooperation within and beyond the CWM family to support Taiwan in its struggle for peace, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. It urges global multinational and ecumenical organisations to hear the voices of the Taiwanese people, to speak out against the military hostilities being suffered by Taiwan, and against the injustice of Taiwan’s continued isolation. Christian wisdom reminds us that we are all connected, and “if one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (I Cor 12: 26); CWM affirms its solidarity with Taiwan and its people, and says, “You are not forgotten, and you are not alone”. ( |